LAST UPDATED ON 2018-07-02
Hypothesis one
Space, the force of gravity, particles of mass and their motion
(energy) are fundamentally different. They are the only constituents
of reality. I will use the term 'matter' to define an
object as the combination of 'units' of mass, their motion
and all of its fields.
Space is infinite is size in all directions and
is immobile. It has no properties other than inertia and space cannot
expand and contract.
The force of gravity attracts massive objects
together. It has an infinite range and its strength is inversely
proportional to distance. It is always attractive. It is present at
every point in time: nothing absorbs it, transforms it or shields
against it.
The particles of mass are the opposite of
space. They are finite in size in all directions and have the
capacity to move and conserve momentum. The fundamental forces
interact differently with points of mass than space. These points of
interaction meld the fundamental forces together as opposed to space,
where the effects of the forces 'stack' on top of each
other. The particles of mass are part of the fundamental forces.
Motion of the particles of mass is the last
constituent of reality. There are multiple ways to consider motion.
The classical way, linear motion, is the movement of the center of
mass of a particle. There is also rotational motion of the spherical
units of mass. The total rotational motion of all the massive
particles results in the existence of the three fundamental forces
known as the strong force, the electroweak force and the
electromagnetic force. Lastly, the rotational motion's massive
interactions radiate through space by sharing rotational momentum to
all the massive particles. This is known as electromagnetic radiation
and moves at a constant speed in space due to the constant of gravity
and the constant volume of all the particles of mass.
Hypothesis two
There is only one unit of mass (elementary particle), it is made up of points of mass, it has a volume and it has a permanent shape and existence.
Constance and symmetry of phenomena: every point in the volume stays at the same place and that volume is never warped. It represents a direct relationship between the fundamental forces and time. That relationship never changes.
Hypothesis three
The three fundamental forces are not permanent. They are products of gravity (mass) and motion. The main element considered is the change in distance caused by the rotational motion of all the elementary particles. This means that the strong, electroweak and electromagnetic forces are related by rotational motion; for example, one could say that the electromagnetic force is an extension of the strong force.
Detailed explanation coming...
Hypothesis four
The volume of the elementary particle, is constant and permanent. Combined with the quantum gravity concepts I will explain, it is the solution to unifying physics.
Explanation of 'calculation of the volume of the particle of mass', first posted on 2016-06-13.
Hypothesis five
is permanent and cyclical because matter is created and destroyed and
mass is permanent.
Bang' model explanation:
force of gravity has the effect of slowing down momentum until the
particles of mass stick together. Total acceleration of mass
decreases over time. Protons and neutrons eventually collapse on
their own mass due to lack of repulsive force caused by lower
rotational momentum. When all the particles of mass have lost their
momentum, they clump into Black Holes. This leads to the period
called the 'Big Crunch'.
the 'Big Crunch', all the Black Holes collide together,
resulting in explosions everywhere. These collisions get further
apart and bigger over time. It always takes more time for the next
collision to happen. Following each of these collisions, the
particles of mass settle and collapse into larger Black Holes that
include the mass of all the Black Holes implicated in the explosion.
As time passes by, the Black Holes get larger and have more distance
in between them. At some point,
the distances and mass
implicated in the collisions are large enough to create matter.
This final stage of explosions is called the 'Big Bang'.
'Big Bang' is the last explosion of the 'Big Crunch'.
During this final period of explosions, the linear momentum imparted
onto the mass is so large that it will rotate the mass enough to
accelerate it together into clumps and form matter like protons and
neutrons. These little momentum batteries will maintain their motion
until gravity stops them and the next collapse of the universe
begins. The protons and neutrons slow down first and then the
electrons slow down enough to stick to the protons and form
electrically neutral atoms. This is when the creation of stars and
galaxies begin.
of stars and fusion. Following the creation of matter,
there are clumps of atoms that forms stars where there is fusion.
That is where the other atoms are fused
together. After
this period, we have to wait for
momentum to stop due to gravity and
observe another period of contraction of the universe.